As per the reports, amid the invasion, earlier Ukraine had initially denied crypto donations from supporters on Twitter. However, after…
Russia is an important global oil supplier but how was this aspect not addressed in these sanctions? Russia produces nearly…
Russia declared war on Ukraine and invaded the country a week ago. The major updates after such action have thrown…
A recently drawn report published on Khalistan issues has triggered has intense debate and also revealed the connection of Pakistan…
According to pandemic-related support from Congress and the Federal Reserve recedes, in 2022, Americans are going to be dipping into…
In a recently published paper, it was mentioned that the researchers from the COVID-19 linked the Wuhan Institute of Virology…
Fraud by criminals is a never stopping issue in all countries. But this time it has crossed the threshold, as…
Israel being a victim of long-term on going terrorism by Iran and it's funded terrorist groups, who have been doing…
Agenda 21, a United Nation’s infamous programme that plans to depopulate 95% of the world by 2030. A plan most…
France: The government’s foreigners watch list to expel hundreds of radicalized mindsets after a teacher samuel paty was beheaded last…
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